Thursday, 10 December 2015

story telling

       story telling

Once upon a time there was a skinny tall outfit princess who
climbed mount everest when she got to the top and then it
took half a year to get up and go back down the mount
everest the end.

Once upon a time there was a stupid foolish king who lives
in a foolish mountain a shamed and locked away because
he wanted to live in the cold foolish mountain the end.


Tuesday, 8 December 2015

favorite subject

      Favorite subject
Hi my name is Tatiyana and I am 9 years old. My favorite subject is maths because I learn about
it I understand it. I also learn it with my dad if i’m ever stuck he helps me.

My second favorite subject is reading ya because you can learn lot’s and can take you places in
your imagination it’s also good for your brain and in a reading test so if you're reading a book to your teacher and he tell’s you what is it about you don’t just look at the picture .

My third favorite subject is art when I go on the internet and search up art it looks good,incredible,interesting,fancy,. So that’s all of my favorite subject’s what’s your’s.

Image result for math'sImage result for readingImage result for art pictures keep calm

Monday, 7 December 2015

what I want to be when I grow up.

what I want to be when I grow up.
What I want to be when I grow up is chef and hip hop dacer also a singer. What inspires me is I watch master chef I saw that Ashley was in the final’s with ben. That’s what inspires me to be a master chef. Ariana grande and katy perry also inspires me to sing I mostly sing when it comes

to maori. Then next step inspires me for dancing I love how they dance it really did inspire me so this is what inspired me and what I want to be when I grow up I also wanted to be a helper a great helper and a scientist because scientist are one of the smartest people. So please leave a comment and seeya.

What I love

      What I love to do.
Hi my name is Tatiyana and I am 9. I am a year 4 at pt england and my home class is 9 &10. My favorite sport is netball I play for st joseph. I love to play at the park. Today monday the 7th of december we learned stuff about minecraft and even played minecraft here’s the link V# Try your best at minecraft we also went on srach it was fun for me. My favorite song is bet you can’t do it like me listen to it you might like it
catch ya later.

Spare time

        Spare time
In my spare time at home I love to go on my brother’s chromebook and post stuff on my blog. On my blog I have 1,137 views cool ha maybe you might have more than me. Also I love going on friv and cool maths games. If i’m outside I play with my neighbors and play the wall of pain.

I also try to finish off my work Mr baxendine is happy that what I post before the first bell rings Mr Bax go’s on my blog and reads what I post I also might get a better report. When i’m at school my favorite thing is chatting to my friend. But my most favorite spare thing is watching a movie.

That’s all for now but thank’s for reading my blog. ت divider

Sunday, 6 December 2015

wall of pain

Pain of wall
This is the pain of wall My sister and I are going to see how long we can last. If you ever want to know how to do the pain of wall. Your first possession is make it look like you're siteing on an invisible chair
then you’ll need to put your hand’s on the wall of pain make sure your feet are facing forward. My sister and I timed our self’s.
I got this idea from sticky TV Jahmaine,Walter,Liana
Image result for sticky tv 2015
Image result for sticky tv 2015
Image result for sticky tv 2015
Jemma:Screenshot 2015-12-06 at 6.28.35 PM.png40sec

Tatiyana:Tatiyana.png2min 6sec

so my sister didn’t last that much but if you ever want to do the test come to me in Rm 9&10 at lunch after school at morning tea if you ever bet my time i’ll give you a challenge. This is what we looked like!!!.
Screenshot 2015-12-06 at 7.58.47 PM.png
your thiy's feel week and they hurt. That's all cage you later.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Museum trip

Survivor challagne

Hi my name is Tatiyana . This term we have been learning about survivors. In Rm 9&10 we are learning that if a penguin can live in the desert or a cobra would survivor in the arctic. Well let’s see. I made this animation about  an emperor penguin trying to survive in the desert.

My penguin get’s penguin naped from the seal that’s why the seal tried to get to the penguin and so the seal takes the seal to the desert. The mother is shocked and worried but my penguin won’t Survive because it is too hot in the desert.

I changed my penguin to be camouflaged so I changed his legs to be human legs and duck feet. I also changed the colour so it’s brown and orange to bend into the tree and ground.

What do think? Can a penguin survive in the desert? Thank’s for watching my animation.
The main actor is the baby penguin dad  penguin mother  penguin cobra. see ya.