Te Aurere is red Hine moana is blue.
We are the best because we will beat you. Oh sorry there I was just singing a chant that I made up. So where was I oh Yes I want to tell you about Athletics day ok. It was last friday the 13th of November 2015 OK there is 4 team’s there’s Te Aurere,Hine Moana,Hokule’a,Hikianalia. I was in Te aurere.
They rock. If you ever want to join a team please join Te Aurere Red!!! cause we really need more people if you guys can try your best come support us with Te Aurere. I’m getting an a certificate award for 2 longest discus I feel brave a little nervous ready. I wonder who’s team is going to win I hope it’s Te Aurere I really hope cause Te Aurere was ready to win.